24. December 2016

Argentina | Mercedes | Slaughterhouse Lamar | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Eine dünne tragende Stute mit gefülltem Euter wird vom Futterplatz vertrieben.

[Translate to English:] Ein Pferd vertreibt andere vom Futterplatz.

[Translate to English:] Zwei Pferde kämpfen heftig um das Futter.

[Translate to English:] Die Angestellten schenken verletzten Pferden keine Beachtung.

[Translate to English:] Zwei abgemagerte Pferde liegen völlig erschöpft auf dem verdreckten Boden.

We return to the Lamar slaughterhouse at 14:00. It is again a hot and sunny day with a temperature of 29°C and the large majority of the horses are standing under the blazing sun. The pen area which is partly covered by a fabric roof is full to the bursting point, with only a few horses finding space in the shade.

Today there are about 100 horses in the large paddocks without shelter. The situation is the same as on the previous days: emaciated and lame horses, seriously neglected hooves, horses fighting for food, stallions mixed with other horses, etc. The stallion with the metal wire tied through his mouth we saw yesterday is still there. Shortly after, we notice another horse that has to endure the same brutal treatment. He is standing motionless and lethargically next to a straw bale, while all horses around him are eating. He is obviously hungry, but unable to eat. In another paddock, we observe an emaciated pregnant mare that is chased away from the feeding place by another horse. Her udder is enlarged, indicating that she is due to deliver her foal soon. She is very thin; her ribs, hip bones and spine are clearly showing.

We leave Lamar in the late afternoon and head north towards Cordoba, where the last slaughterhouse on our list is located.