01. December 2016

Germany | Calau | Inspections on animal transports with the traffic police in South of Brandenburg

[Translate to English:] AWF Team filmt die Transportbedingungen eines Rindertransportes

[Translate to English:] Kontrolle eines Transportes von Puten, Enten und Gänsen zur Schlachtung

[Translate to English:] Enten, Puten und Gänse in einem nicht geeigneten Transportbehälter

[Translate to English:] Polizeikontrolle eines Rindertransportes

The practical part of the training is on the highway and at an assembly station. We are accompanied by a team from MDR television. On the way to the assembly station the police observes a small trailer loaded with poultry. The animals are in danger to fall out and they are not efficiently protected from the cold temperature and the rain. Especially since the temperature is on between 2 and 4°C. The transport is private and not covered by the transport Regulation. Still, before the driver can continue to the slaughterhouse, he has to by equipment to make a weather – and safety protection for the animals.

After our inspection at the assembly station another transporter is stopped and inspected. It is loaded with pregnant heifers on the way to a quarantine station, where they will be prepared for export to a third country.