26. August 2017

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] 10 Jahre altes Mädchen bringt und ein verletztes Kätzchen.

[Translate to English:] Das Kätzchen hat Wunden an den Ohren und stellenweise kein Fell am kleinen Schwanz.

[Translate to English:] Wir bringen das Kätzchen zu unserem Veterinär.

[Translate to English:] Das Kätzchen ist nun in den guten Händen von Dr. Blicharz.

[Translate to English:] Abgemagerter junger Bulle auf dem Markt.

[Translate to English:] Wir beobachten unterschiedliche Verhaltensweisen der Rinder auf dem Markt.

As usual, our team starts inspecting the cattle market in Bodzentyn about 6 o’clock. We count about 300 animals. There is less cows, majority of the animals are bulls or young cattle and calves. A few minutes after six, a 10-year-old girl brings us a kitten. She found him under her mother’s car. The kitten looks very bad, is skinny and injured. It has wounds on its ears and no fur on parts of its little tail. These injuries seem to be old, because the skin is black. It looks like necrosis. Despite its condition, the kitten is very active and friendly. At the market, the atmosphere is calm. We notice only five cows with overgrown hooves and two emaciated animals. There are no injured or sick animals. About 8:30am only three loaded trucks are left. They are ready to leave. All infringements will be reported to the Veterinary Inspection. After the market, our team goes to our veterinarian Dr. Blicharz with the kitten. We leave him in good hands for a thorough examination.