23. May 2016

Poland | Poznan | SANCO training for official veterinarians

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Together with Eyes on Animals (Netherlands) we are invited to the SANCO training in Poznan to give a speech on our perspective on long distance transport of animals. In our joint presentation we focused on the main areas of concern during long distance transport and our initiatives to improve animal welfare during transport. Many animal welfare issues could be resolved in a better enforcement of the legislation and stricter approval of transport vehicles. For example could the suffering of unweaned animals during long distance transport be stopped, if transport vehicles would not receive an approval for the transport of animals that are still on a milk diet, simply because the vehicles can not be supplied on a vehicle. At the training also Mr Smiglak, vice head of the WITD department Poznan, gives a speech about the inspections of the WITD and praised our joint trainings for WITD in Poland.