Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report May: Farm Animal Service
This month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team is starting their work looking after several cows. We start our first visit on a farm in Szerzawy. There we trim the claws of three cows. Their claws are heavily overgrown. The claws of the rest of the herd seem to be in a good condition. Usually, the farmer ensures that his animals are getting their claws trimmed at least twice a year. However, the claws of the three cows were growing much faster and needed attention earlier.
Also, on a farm in Stara Lagowica, a limping cow needs our help. The farm is not registered in our program. Nevertheless, helping suffering animals is always our priority. The cow is struggling with overgrown claws. Already our team has finished trimming her claws, she can walk without pain again. The owner cares very much about the welfare of her animals. We would be happy to see more farmers looking after their animals with as much care.
Later, we visit the farm in Bieliny. We want to check how the recently born foal is doing. The young stallion seems to be in a good condition. All we need to do is to disinfect the navel where the umbilical cord used to be. Afterwards, our team is on their way to Porudzie. Here, we trim the hooves of one horse. We are happy to see that the owner finally started to build a paddock for his horses. He still needs to clean the yard. We are optimistic that he will finish his task soon.
Our final visit this month is on a farm in Sieradowice. Here, we are taking care of a horse and a pony. We trim the hooves of the pony and treat the mare for scabies. The mare has been struggling with this skin infection repeatedly. The disease has returned every year so far. No matter how much the owner has been trying to prevent it with our help.
In total, our team visited 18 farms and trimmed the hooves of 18 horses, and claws of eight cows this month.