Poland | Szczecin | Police training (WIDT)
Due to the high motivation of the WITD road inspectors in Szczecin that participated in our training course yesterday, we were asked to again stop and control livestock trucks together this morning before heading home. Early in the morning we stopped two livestock vehicles. One had pigs from Germany and was heading to the slaughterhouse in Szczecin. The loading conditions were within the legal norm, but again the vehicle had a certificate of approval to load cattle and horses too on long-distance journeys, although the truck is not designed for these species at all. The police will notify the veterinarian authorities that approved this vehicle to restrict the specie-type allowed on such a truck. We also stopped an empty livestock truck leaving the slaughterhouse to check that it was equipped with all the necessary provisions (ventilators, water nipples, loading ramp sensor etc…).
We would like to thank the WITD and the veterinarians for their participation and for their enthusiasm to enforce the animal-protection laws. The purpose of our training course is so that law enforcers can put a stop to animals being overcrowded in trucks without adequate water or fresh air and left to suffer during long journeys abroad.