Investigations by Topics:

15. April 2015

Argentina | Ayacucho | Farm of Syntex | Blood farms for hormone production

[Translate to English:] Einzelboxen, in denen die Stuten für die Blutentnahme fixiert werden.

When we arrive at the Syntex farm at 21:30, it is already pitch-black. There are a lot of lights on, but all is quiet. The lairage area, where the blood is taken from the mares, is empty. There are approx. 14 individual stalls made of wood and alleys leading up to them. In the covered passageway between the stalls and the office/laboratory…

14. April 2015

Turkey | Ankara | Seminar on animal-welfare during slaughter

[Translate to English:] Asalet und Lesley

On Monday the 13th and Tuesday the 14th of April, Eyes on Animals and Animal Welfare Foundation organized, together with Redrock and Austrade (Australian Trade Commission) the second animal welfare seminar for slaughter animals in Turkey. The conference and training on "Improving Animal Welfare and Meat Quality in Turkey" was held at Ankara…

22. March 2015

Uruguay | Maldonado | Estancia “Las Marquesas” | Blood farms for hormone production

[Translate to English:] Erschöpft liegt eine Stute regungslos am Boden.

We drive to the new blood farm of Fernando Perdigón in the Department Maldonado. On the way there, we find groups of mares in forest clearings. They are dull, abused, their bodies covered in scars from the beatings. Some have identification tags around their necks. Their tails are not trimmed, indicating they are not yet in the production. Others…

22. March 2015

Uruguay | Maldonado | Estancia “Las Marquesas” | Blood farms for hormone production

[Translate to English:] Erschöpft liegt eine Stute regungslos am Boden.

We drive to the new blood farm of Fernando Perdigón in the Department Maldonado. On the way there, we find groups of mares in forest clearings. They are dull, abused, their bodies covered in scars from the beatings. Some have identification tags around their necks. Their tails are not trimmed, indicating they are not yet in the production. Others…

20. March 2015

Uruguay | Montevideo | Interview with Dr. Cabanas | Blood farms for hormone production

[Translate to English:] Interview mit Dr. Homero Cabanas, Präsident der nationalen Tierschutzkommission.

We want to ask a government official who is responsible for the control of the blood business and arrange a meeting with Dr. Homero Cabanas, President of the national Animal Welfare Committee. We would like to know how many companies are involved in the blood business, who is inspecting them and where the blood serum is exported to.

Dr. Cabanas…

19. March 2015

Uruguay | San Antonio | Horse Auction | Horsemeat Import

[Translate to English:] Ein Reitpferd wird durch den Auktionsring gehetzt.

The horse auction in San Antonio is organised by horse dealer Richard Prego, who is one of Clay’s largest suppliers of slaughter horses. The sale starts at 15:00. Theauctioneer announces through loudspeakers that 400 horses are offered for sale. Both riding and loose horses are chased through the auction ring for about two minutes. The handling by…

17. March 2015

Uruguay | Treinta y Tres | Farm of Syntex | Blood farms for hormone production

[Translate to English:] Eine dünne Stute und ihr Fohlen auf einer Waldlichtung.

At 15:15, we arrive in the small village Valentines in the Department of Treinta y Tres and ask around for the farm of Syntex. People have never heard of this company, but say that this must be the farm of Rubio where they take blood from mares (Federico Rubio is indeed the owner of Syntex Uruguay SA). People say that the estancia is called “El…

17. March 2015

Uruguay | Treinta y Tres | Slaughterhouse El Amanecer | Horsemeat Import

[Translate to English:] Ein Pferdeschädel ohne Einschussloch liegt auf der Schlachthofweide.

On a pasture belonging to the slaughterhouse El Amanecer, we find a decaying carcass of a horse as well as several horse skulls. There are no bullet holes in the skulls, what implies that the horses were left to die instead of being euthanized. Next to the slaughterhouse building, there are eight waiting pens, which do not offer any shade from the…

15. March 2015

Uruguay | Artigas | Slaughter horse collecting station | Horsemeat Import

[Translate to English:] Sammelstelle von Bonfrisco, Lieferant von Clay.

In the afternoon, we drive to the collecting station of horse dealer Bonfrisco, south of Artigas at the Brazilian border. Bonfrisco shipped 438 horses to the slaughterhouse Clay last year. His collecting station is located in a very remote area and difficult to find. When we finally arrive, we note that nobody is there. The holding pens behind the…