08. July 2017

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

Today our team is inspecting the cattle market in Bodzentyn. There is much more animals than last time. We count about 600 animals. Half of them are young. We suspect it is because the subsidies were paid and farmers want to dispose of the animals. We notice one trader who wants to sell several very young calves. Some of them look very skinny, some are very dirty probably because of diarrhoea. One calf kept on the truck looks like it had a fungal infection. We call the market vet who confirms it and explains to the trader how to prevent spreading this skin disease to other calves. We notice a few emaciated cows, a few with overgrown hooves and one with tethered legs. At the end of the market we see a cow with two different ear tag numbers. The weather is hot so traders leave the place very early. About 9:30am the last truck leaves. All infringements will be reported to the Veterinary Inspection.