Investigations by Topics:

15. August 2024

Year-long investigation in Lebanon: Overseas Transport, Animal Slaughter, and Environmental Pollution

[Translate to English:] Photo 6 Port Beirut, Spanish animals.

August 2022 to June 2023 | Lebanon | 

During this year long investigation with the help of one of the top Lebanese investigative journalists David Enders, we look into the export of life animals to Lebanon, the farming practices, the difficulties that farmers have to face with providing enough energy sufficient feed for highly producing European…

13. August 2024

Transports to the slaughterhouse at 36 degrees Celsius.

13 August 2024 | Germany | Transports to the Slaughterhouse at 36 Degrees Celsius

Together with Eyes on Animals, we monitored the largest pig slaughterhouse in Rhineland-Palatinate to check whether there were any measures in place to protect the animals from the intense heat. Apparently, there were none. A lorry loaded with pigs stood in the…

08. August 2024

Operation in Argentina: Horse Slaughterhouses and Collection Points

[Translate to English:] Abgemagertes, geschwächtes Pferd kämpft ums Überleben.

Over the course of two weeks, we inspected three Argentine horse slaughterhouses and several collection points that supply them with horses. Once again, we found numerous injured, emaciated, dying, and dead horses. There was no medical care or humane euthanasia observed. The provision of food, water, and weather protection for the horses at the…

08. August 2024

Investigation: Port of Cartagena

[Translate to English:] Bullen auf an der Tankstelle abgestellten Lkws in der prallen Sonne. Copyright: Animal Welfare Foundation & Sea Shepherd France

May 30 and 31, 2024

While part of the team restocks supplies for the "Walrus"* to continue the investigation at sea, others take the opportunity to observe the activities around the port of Cartagena. The area is bustling with activity. Not far from the port entrance, we find trucks loaded with cattle parked under the blazing sun. The fans are…

23. May 2024

Exposed: Animal Cruelty at Sea

[Translate to English:] Quelle: Animal Welfare Foundation & Sea Shepherd France

On May 23rd, the "Walrus" set sail with a dedicated team from Sea Shepherd France and the Animal Welfare Foundation on board. This marked a new collaboration with a shared goal: to expose the animal suffering that usually remains hidden far from Europe's shores and the eyes of society on the high seas of the Mediterranean.

Every day, thousands of…

06. May 2024

Investigation in Uruguay: Bloodfarm Biomega

From December 2023 to May 2024, our field teams regularly monitored the Biomega blood farm in Melo, Uruguay. At this facility, the fertility hormone PMSG is extracted from the blood of pregnant mares and used to enhance efficiency in industrial animal breeding.

The treatment of the mares at Biomega is both unprofessional and brutal. The terrified…

18. April 2024

Workshop on Animal Transport in Oldenburg (Germany)

April 18-19, 2024 | Germany | Oldenburg | Animal Transport Workshop

Together with Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, we conducted a two-day animal transport workshop with the police in Oldenburg. Police and veterinary offices from neighbouring districts also participated. During the animal transport inspection on the motorway, over 20 transport vehicles…

15. March 2024

BTSF Training: Important Workplace for Animal Welfare

Our project manager Magda Romanska participated in the BTSF training organized by the EU Commission. The so-called "Better Training for Safer Food" aims to implement EU regulations related to food safety, as well as plant, animal, and One Health (the interconnection of human, animal, and environmental health).

During her presentation, Magda was…

12. March 2024

Animal Transport Inspection: Training in Spain

We trained local authorities in Reus, Catalonia (Spain). Local police and veterinarians were further educated by our veterinarians Tea and Maria on inspecting animal transports. The collaboration with the authorities is a great benefit for all parties: only through this can officials and veterinarians pay attention to the crucial details in animal…