Investigation in Canada: Horse feedlot of the Bouvry slaughterhouse

No protection from the elements.
Investigation in the US: Bouvry’s horse assembly centre in Shelby

Success: Bouvry's assembly centre in Shelby (USA) has ceased operations.
Investigation in the US: Horse auction in New Holland

Horse with deformed left front leg.
Investigation in the US: Horse auction in Attalla

Horse with a fresh forehead injury.
Investigation in the US: Horse auction in Kalona

Pens and the raceway towards the auction ring.
Canada | Alberta | Feedlots of Bouvry slaughterhouse

No protection from the cold – not even for heavily pregnant mares.
Australia | Horsemeat imports: Interview with informant Kathrin

We are talking to informant Kathrin about her two yearlings that were wrongfully slaughtered at Meramist abattoir.
Australia | Caboolture, Queensland | Horsemeat imports: Meramist abattoir

Electric shocks to the anus are routine (photo: confidential source).
Australia | New South Wales | Horsemeat imports: Interview with informant Margaret

Informant Margaret explains us the horse vendor declaration form.