Poland | Wąchock, Brody, Mirzec, Pawłów | Big Castration Week
In the week commencing 02.-06.03.2015, the Tierschutzbund Zurich enabled the castration of overall 337 animals. Thereof 124 were dogs and 213 cats. Furthermore, all dogs were chipped and registered. The campaign was offered in four communes with whom we cooperate already for a long time. Thereby, the TSB finances the castration costs whereas the communes defray the chipping and the registrations of the dogs into the database. Lost dogs can in this way be assigned to their owners.
The TSB believes it is to get down to the root of the problem of the many abandoned dogs and cats. Animal owners should learn to treat their pets responsible and not let them bring offspring into the world, which than has to struggle day after day for life. Still, many pet owners in this region have reservations against castration of their animals in this region and many can just not afford it. The huge interest in this successful week of castration shows us, that we were able to reduce reservations and that the reproduction of many animals was prevented.