Germany | Bad Waldsee | Export of unweaned calves by Rinderunion
Our team has been observing the exports of unweaned calves from the Rinderunion at Bad Waldsee for more than a year now. The transporter S. Röck is required by the competent authorities to feed the calves mid-journey at the control post of Bardy Bresse in France, before the animals are carried on to the assembly centre in Vic/ Spain. In autum 2017 we provided detailed evidence to the authorities about ongoing cheating with these transports. In fact, the transporter always stops at the control post for 2-3 hours, but the calves are neither unloaded into the stables and fed, nor are they fed inside the truck. Accordingly the journey time to Spain is regularly extended and calves exposed to prolonged hunger. After our complaint, we received information that the responsible authority is going to examined the case. We continued with our observations in 2018, but the control post in France upgraded its sight protection and police stopped us last time from filming. Nevertheless, today we observed a transporter from Czech Republic, carrying the calves from Bad Waldsee to Spain. During the stop at the control post, the calves have been left on-board the truck for two hours without feed. We are commencing legal procedures against the parties involved.