Germany | Chemnitz | Police training: road inspections
[Translate to English:] Geschlossener Transporter ohne ausreichende Möglichkeiten für eine Kontrolle.
During the road inspection at the highway A4 nine animal transporters are inspected, among them two private horse transports, cattle transported for slaughter and piglets on journeys exceeding 8 hours for further fattening.
Infringement procedures are started for two transporters. In one of them a divider was not fixed properly and a cow injured her leg. During inspection of the last transporter that day that carries piglets for an estimated journey time of 10 hours, most violations are found. The transport vehicle with a forced ventilation system has no side doors and due to that, neither the driver nor the officials are able to inspect all the animals properly. Nevertheless the inspection team finds risks for injuries and a broken drinking system. The veterinary inspection makes the vehicle approval invalid, starting immediately after the unloading of the piglets at the place of destination in Landau. Besides that the driver has to stop after 2 hours and provide water to the pigles, this under the surveillance of the veterinary inspection at that place. We appreciate the strict measures of the veterinary inspection, who could even provide better welfare outcomes with the possibility for emergency unloading on that important transit route.