Bodzentyn is predominantly a cattle market for regional trading. Farmers buy and sell cattle to each other. However, cows, bulls and calves are also sold to regional slaughterhouses.
Our team is at the market regularly to help sick and injured animals, as well as to ensure that unfit animals are not being transported.
Until 2015, the conditions at the market were repeatedly bad. This was mostly due to on-site veterinarians who did not fulfil their obligation to properly look after the animals. Our longstanding and persistent work eventually led to the replacement of the responsible market-veterinarian. Since 2015, the number of official veterinary inspections increased. Since then, our market protocols which document animal welfare infringements, are also used by market inspectors and police authorities to take action against the responsible animal owners. A key factor in this development is that the council in Bodzentyn is cooperative and willing to solve problems on the market together with us. discuss the occurring problems.
Finally, animals unfit for transport are emergency killed, instead of being loaded, transported and unloaded again at the slaughterhouse where they are eventually released form their suffering like in earlier times. This proceeding also has a signalling effect on other animal dealers. Since then, less animals who are sick, weak or injured are being brought to the market.
The quality of the transport vehicles has also improved. However, there is much more to be done, and the positive developments would quickly take a negative turn as soon as our team would release the pressure.
A decade working for the animals: Bogdan, Anna, Nadja, Michal. Vorne Magda, Katarzyna.
It was an act of strength, a continuous commitment for the animals. When we started we could not foresee how long it would take. We started the first of our projects in Poland more than a decade ago: inspection of the horse market in Bodzentyn in the South of Warsaw in a poor region with around 20,000 animal husbandries. Almost every house had a…
Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report December: Last inspection of the cattle and bird market
Bodzentyn cattle market. Our team is talking with the traders.
During our inspection in December, we only count about 100 cattle offered for sale at the market. Most of them are young animals. Even though the price for cattle is very low at the moment, there are not many interested buyers. Many animals will return to their original farms after the market closes. On both markets, the cattle and the bird market,…
Our team member Bogdan looks after the injured pigeon.
During all our inspection days in November, the number of animals at the cattle market remains low. There are never more than 150 animals present at the market. We do not see any neglected or injured animals. However, we spot an injured pigeon and take it home with us to look after it. Unfortunately, our help came too late. Sadly, the bird passed…