Investigations by Topics:

12. April 2019

Poland, Hungary | Positive response to our sheep transport document

[Translate to English:]

The national competent authorities of Poland and Hungary respond in a very positive way to our handout about sheep transport.

Based on our experience and legal knowledge, TSB|AWF prepared a document summarising the most frequent violations found during the transport of sheep, especially lambs. In 2018 and this year before Easter – peak time…

21. March 2019

Ireland | Grange | EU Animal Welfare Platform: Animal Transports

Calves trying to drink water from pig drinkers.

For the second time stakeholders and experts meet in Grange (DG SANTE) to discuss animal transport issues. The claims of our laywers against the EU Commission supported the focus projects on the agenda. In three working groups cattle exports, transport of unweaned calves and extreme temperatures are discussed. The platform was initiated to give…

15. March 2019

Germany | Round table discussion about animal exports

The Ministry for Environment of the federal country of Hessen stopped with a decision animal exports to 14 third countries. The reason is concrete evidence of risks for the animals´ welfare during transport and slaughter. During the round table discussion, where we are participating, the industry is requested to provide evidence that the…

14. February 2019

France | Strasbourg | Vote on the report on the implementation of (EC) No. 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport

Pictures of our lambs-investigation are shown in front of the Parliament in Strasbourg.

Today the European Parliament votes on the report on the implementation of the Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005: An important day for the animals which are transported each day on Europe’s roads and beyond. The report is critical and contains may suggestions for improvements, which we are demanding for a long time.

First, in front of the parliamentary…

13. February 2019

Croatia | Port Raša | Sea transport from Croatia to Lebanon and Israel

Our team observes the loading of bulls and calves on the vessels Phoenix I and Phoenix III

At the beginning of February, our team travels to Croatia. The team spends almost one week close to Pula city, where Raša port, one of the main exit ports of live animals to non-European countries, is located.

Our team observes the arrival of three empty livestock vessels: Phoenix I, Phoenix III and Dragon, while at the same time dozens of trucks…

18. January 2019

Poland | Siedlce | Inspection with ITD Radom

TSB|AWF and EonA team joins Road Transport Inspection (ITD) east of Warsaw to assist in inspecting animal transports.

Day 1:
First animal lorry stopped for inspection is empty, however the design of this vehicle raises our concern. We will contact the approving veterinarian to make sure the steep loading ramp with side protections too short for…

18. October 2018

Poland | Germany | France | Transport of unweaned calves

[Translate to English:] Unser Team folgt einem Kälbertransporter über 1480 km und 22 Stunden von Polen nach Frankreich.

A team from AWF|TSB and our French partner organisation Welfarm follows a truck that is transporting calves from Poland to Spain. The calves are younger than eight weeks and are therefore considered as unweaned. Three of them are just 15 days old. According to the EU animal transport regulation 1/2005, unweaned calves must be given liquid which is…

26. July 2018

Germany | Osnabrück | Training on road inspections on the A 30

Checking on a transporter with pigs on board destined for slaughter.

During road inspections on the highway A 30 nine animal transports loaded with Turkeys, chicken, pigs, calves and horses are inspected. A transporter is on the way to The Netherlands to load mink for a mink farm in Greece. There are concerns about the crates and loading conditions and thus we inform Eyes on Animals (NL), who right away send a team…

26. July 2018

Germany | Osnabrück | training on animal transport

Theoretical part of the seminar.

The police in Osnabrück has invited neighboring police inspections and official veterinarians to a training on animal transport. Beside the expert on animal transport Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, we are invited to share our observations and findings on long distance transports.