Press Reports

18. October 2019

License denied for long-distance transport vehicles for unweaned calves

In a report by the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute (FLI), Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, the license for a special vehicle for the long-distant transports of so called unweaned calves (2-8 weeks old) was denied. This vehicle type is equipped with pivot drinkers which were supposed to ensure that calves are provided with the supplies they…

01. April 2019

Audit by European Commission shows animal welfare not met in Raša port

Following numerous complaints by NGOs, members of the EU Parliament and media reports, the European Commission carried out an audit* in Croatian port of Raša during September 2018 and released in 2019 the report showing a disaster for European animals being exported by vessels from here to the Middle East and to North Africa.

Investigative video…

17. April 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report February FAS

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In February, our FAS team visited 8 farms and twice the cattle market in Lagow. They singed five new contracts with farmers interesting in improving living conditions of their animals. We noticed positive change in attitude of some farmers who were not very cooperative previously. We were convinced they would not be interested in joining our…

20. February 2016

Schweizer Bauer: " Shortcomings in animals transport from UE to Turkey "

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The Schweizer Bauer reports<link https: politik--wirtschaft international missstaende-bei-tiertransporten-aus-der-eu-in-die-tuerkei-27246.html> online