How the scandalous livestock carrier ELBEIK became a ghost ship

BTSF: Training for official veterinarians in the EU on live transports

Our project manager and BTSF-tutor Maria Boada Saña knows from her experience in the field what official veterinarians need to considered during live transport inspections.
Joint live transport inspections with the Polish road transport police (ITD)

Together with the Polish road transport police IDT our team is on the lookout for live transports.
800 young bulls stranded in the Mediterranean Sea. Is their emergency killing now imminent?

Recordings from our investigations: Animals are being loaded on the vessel NADER-A in a European export port.
Live transport inspection: Unweaned calves form Germany enroute to Spain

For the first time, our team is observing how calves are supplied on a truck with electrolyte solution using a new drinking system.
Investigation in the Spanish Port of Cartagena: Loading of cattle on export vessels from Spain to Egypt

Our team is not allowed to enter the port and works from a distance.
Police Training: Seminar on the inspection of live transports

Our project manager Iris Baumgärtner holds a presentation together with official veterinarian Dr Claudia Eggert-Satzinger on the protection of animals during transport.
Czech Republic | Rozvadov | Transport of calves to Spain

Looking for food, the hungry calves keep licking each other and the bars.
Italy: Inspection of long distance transports of lambs and sheep

Unweaned lambs are being transported over long distances to a slaughterhouse in the middle of Italy.