Investigations by Topics:

21. September 2020

Germany | Bautzen | Training on Animal Transports: Day 1

Today, our team is in Bautzen. Together with veterinarian Dr. A. Rabitsch we are holding a seminar on the EU Regulation (EC) 1/2005 on live transport. Our training is targeted for police officers and official veterinarians. In total, 23 police officers and four veterinarians are attending our training in Bautzen.

Our training consists of a…

13. March 2020

Poland | Koroszczyn, Korczowa | Training for Veterinary Inspection: Border and District Vets

On Tuesday, 10th of March, our team arrives at the border crossing in Koroszczyn to provide a training for border vets on the Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 in the context of  live exports. The Polish border is of strategic importance, as it is an exit/entry point from and into the EU. The audience for the training is selected by the Chief…

19. June 2019

Poland | Bydgoszcz | Animal Transport Training for ITD Bydgoszcz

In the theoretical part of the training, the participants learn the requirements of the EU regulation for the protection of animals during transport.

Our team arrives in Bydgoszcz, central Poland, together with our partner organisation Eyes on Animals to train the road transport inspection (ITD) in inspecting animal transports.

Day 1:
As usual in our training programme, is devoted to theory and reintroducing the audience to the provisions of Regulation 1/2005 that governs animal transport in…

10. May 2019

Poland | Siedlce | Inspection with ITD Radom

A so called broiler on a transport destined for slaughter.

Our teams are in Eastern Poland to support ITD’s road police inspectors during the inspection of animal transports together with our partner organisation Eyes on Animals (Netherlands). We see one international cattle transport and several national poultry transports. We are happy that the quality of poultry vehicles and their compliance with…

18. January 2019

Poland | Siedlce | Inspection with ITD Radom

TSB|AWF and EonA team joins Road Transport Inspection (ITD) east of Warsaw to assist in inspecting animal transports.

Day 1:
First animal lorry stopped for inspection is empty, however the design of this vehicle raises our concern. We will contact the approving veterinarian to make sure the steep loading ramp with side protections too short for…

18. October 2018

Germany | Oldenburg | inspections of animal transports

Road inspections near Emstek follow the seminar of the day before. Within three hours six national transports are inspected, three loaded with pigs and four with unweaned calves, some of them just a few days old. In one truck a calf is released that got stuck between a dangerous divider and the side wall of the truck. Futhermore insufficient…

26. July 2018

Germany | Osnabrück | Training on road inspections on the A 30

Checking on a transporter with pigs on board destined for slaughter.

During road inspections on the highway A 30 nine animal transports loaded with Turkeys, chicken, pigs, calves and horses are inspected. A transporter is on the way to The Netherlands to load mink for a mink farm in Greece. There are concerns about the crates and loading conditions and thus we inform Eyes on Animals (NL), who right away send a team…

26. July 2018

Germany | Osnabrück | training on animal transport

Theoretical part of the seminar.

The police in Osnabrück has invited neighboring police inspections and official veterinarians to a training on animal transport. Beside the expert on animal transport Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, we are invited to share our observations and findings on long distance transports.


02. March 2018

Poland | Kielce region | Inspection with ITD Kielce

A calve that has been tied with a rope around its horns.

On a very cold early morning TSB|AWF and EonA team helped the Road Transport Inspection (ITD) from Kielce assess the transport conditions of cattle. It was not our first time in this area, and we were happy to see that after previously imposed sanctions, the cattle was not transported on 2 decks in the swanneck. Unfortunately, two out of 3…