We demand a ban for the production, import, and use of PMSG.
PMSG production in Germany
When we discovered the PMSG production in the Thuringian Haflinger stud Meura at the end of 2019, the authorities gave contradictory statements: The federal government was of the opinion that blood collections from pregnant mares are to be classified as animal experiments and the state authorities are responsible for the approval. In contrast, the Thuringian ministry (TMASGFF) took the view that the serum collection for the production of an active substance is not an animal experiment and thus not subject to approval. Because of these inconsistent legal interpretations, we commissioned a legal expert opinion. It comes to a clear conclusion: Blood collections for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals are classified as animal experiments. However, the blood collections for the production of PMSG are unlawful because animal experiments must fulfil the condition of indispensability.
According to the federal government, there are 36 synthetic alternatives to PMSG available on the market. Hence the PMSG production is not necessary, it is dispensable. Furthermore, the German guidelines for the collection of blood and blood products generally prohibit blood extractions from pregnant mares.
After several complaints and requests, the Thuringian ministry and the competent state agency changed their mind in mid-2020 and stated that the procedure in Meura is indeed an animal experiment. Without further examination of the preconditions, Meura was granted the permission to continue tapping blood from pregnant mares for another five years.
Update 2023: The German pharmaceutical company IDT Biologika, that used to be the only buyer of blood plasma from Meura, sold its veterinary division and thus the PMSG production to the French company Ceva Santé Animale in 2019. A milestone was reached in 2022: The PMSG production in the Haflinger stud farm Meura was stopped, after Ceva Santé Animale had cancelled the supply contract. Despite this success, we will continue to advocate for a ban on PMSG.
We are taking legal and political action against the arbitrary approval practice for these unnecessary "animal experiments". We advocate for a ban of PMSG production at national and EU level. Because without a legal ban, the production of PMSG can be resumed in Germany and other EU states at any time. We must prevented that Germany and Meura become a door opener for an EU-wide PMSG production. In addition, we call on the Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir to also ban the import and use for PMSG in Germany.