Investigations by country:

07. December 2015

Canada | Alberta | Bouvry Feedlot | Horsemeat Import

[Translate to English:] Gemästete Pferde in Bouvrys kleiner Mastanlage.

At 8:15 we arrive at Bouvry’s small feedlot on Range Road 264, where it is evident that the holding conditions have not improved since our last visit two years ago. The grounds are covered in manure and muddy. There is still no shelter from the elements and only a limited quantity of straw is visible inside the pen area, by far not enough to…

05. November 2015

France | Château-Gontier | Transport of unweaned calves from France to Spain

[Translate to English:] Ein überfüllter Pferch auf dem Kälbermarkt in Château-Gontier.

Our team follows a long-distance transport from the calf market in Château-Gontier, France, to three different farms and an assembly centre in Catalonia, Spain. At the market, some pens are so crowded that only a few calves can lie down and rest. The majority of the pens have straw bedding, but several have no bedding at all and the calves have to…

31. October 2015

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market Bodzentyn

[Translate to English:] Prüfung von Dokumenten

Our team arrives at 6.10am at the cattle market at Bodzentyn and immediately receives information about a tragic accident that just happened at the market. A trader got injured by a cow that jumped from the truck, certainly in panic and fear from the steep unloading ramp. The ambulance arrived shortly after, but we were informed later that he died…

30. October 2015

Poland | Bodzentyn | Meeting about the market in Bodzentyn

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The mayor of Bodzentyn invited again traders, the vet inspection Kielce, the veterinarian and our team to discuss developments and problems at the market in Bodzentyn. No one participated from the traders. The representatives of the Vetinspection Kielce are doing regular inspections now and started some administrative and legislative procedures…

26. October 2015

| Poland | Rzeszow | Training of WITD in Rzeszow

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Poland is a milestone for improving the transport of animals: TSB / AWF organize together with Eyes on Animals a training of WITD in Rzeszow, for we could count on Dr. Alexander Rabitsch. Dr. Rabitsch is an expert on animal transport controls in the European Union. At the one-day theoretical training 28 employees WITD and four official…

13. October 2015

France | Animal Transport | File a legal complaint for cruelty to animals

[Translate to English:] Dieses Kalb konnte nicht aus eigenen Kräften gehen und wurde mit Gewalt verladen.

The Tierschutzbund Zürich and the Animal Welfare Foundation bring a charge against the control post in Soppe-le-Bas, France, for cruelty to animals. Last April we documented that two downer calves from Poland were loaded by force onto a livestock truck. The calves, which were only a few weeks old, were obviously unfit for transport. They should…

19. April 2015

France-Spain | Animal Transports

[Translate to English:] Dieses Kalb hat den langen Transport nicht überlebt.

At midday, the calves from Poland and Lithuania are re-loaded at the control post in France. Instead of the mandatory 24 hours, the calves have only been rested for 18 hours. Our team observes that a calf falls down on the loading ramp, remains on the ground and is pulled back into the stable at its tail. Instead of being treated by a veterinarian,…

18. April 2015

Poland-France | Animal Transports

[Translate to English:] Ein junges, nicht abgesetztes Kalb aus Polen, das nach Spanien transportiert wird.

Our team drives to a control post in France, where unweaned calves are rested and fed on the way from Poland to Spain. In the late afternoon two transporters arrive at the stable, loaded with calves from Poland and Lithuania which are only two to three weeks old. Some still have the umbilical cord. The calves are mooing loudly and licking the metal…

18. April 2015

Turkey | Bursa | First visit of Edemen slaughterhouse

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Today the EonA/AWF team and Dr. Ellen Eser from BSI Schwarzenbek visit Edemen slaughterhouse in Bursa. The owner bought this slaughterhouse seven months ago. We spotted mainly the same problems as in most other Turkish slaughterhouses (no anti-mounting racks, bulls mounting each-other and falling down, slippery floors, open sides of raceway risking…