Investigations by Topics:

23. May 2016

Poland | Poznan | SANCO training for official veterinarians

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Together with Eyes on Animals (Netherlands) we are invited to the SANCO training in Poznan to give a speech on our perspective on long distance transport of animals. In our joint presentation we focused on the main areas of concern during long distance transport and our initiatives to improve animal welfare during transport. Many animal…

18. March 2016

Poland | Highway Poland-Italy | Transport of lambs

[Translate to English:] Ein Lamm hat ein Bein zwischen dem Boden und der Wand eingeklemmt, was eine hohe Verletzungsgefahr darstellt.

We follow a long-distance transport of lambs from a sale in southern Poland to a slaughterhouse in Italy. The truck carries 700 lambs and is loaded on four decks. The headspace is insufficient and several of the taller animals touch the ceiling with their heads. The lambs are of different sizes and ages. We assume that at least part of them are…

26. February 2016

Poland | Transport of unweaned calves from Poland to Italy

[Translate to English:] Unzureichende Kopffreiheit und Kalb mit stark entzündeten Augen.

We follow a long-distance transport of unweaned calves from an assembly centre in the north of Poland to three different fattening farms in northern Italy. The calves are approx. four weeks old. Many are from Lithuania and have already been transported for several hours before being reloaded in Poland. On the way to Italy, the calves are not…

14. February 2016

Poland | Skarysew | Horse Market and transport of horses for slaughter

[Translate to English:] Pferde mit gefesselten Beinen.

Our team visits the Skaryszew Horse Market that takes place once per year and hundreds of horses are sold for leisure, breeding and slaughter. We are interested in assessing the transport conditions of the horses to and from the market.

Many horses arrive already on Sunday afternoon and are left in the vehicles until the market opens finally at 11…

10. February 2016

Lithuania | Animal transports

[Translate to English:] Unser Team wartet an der litauisch/polnischen Grenze auf einen deutschen Tiertransporter.

Today, our team waits at the Lithuanian/Polish border for a truck of a German transport company, which we know transports unweaned calves from Lithuania to Spain. It is snowing heavily and the temperature is below zero. We observe eight animal transporters crossing the border, but none of the German company. At 3:00 at night, after waiting for 17…

18. January 2016

France - Spain | Highway | Animal transports

[Translate to English:] Entladung der Kälber in Vic, Spanien, nach 22 Stunden Transport.

In the early morning, we are following the calf transporter on the highway A9 when the drivers stop near Nîmes. They say the inside temperature is 6°C. We check the animals with a flashlight and most of them are resting. The younger calves in the trailer look more crowded and some of them are stepping on each other. Some calves are coughing and…

12. January 2016

Lithuania | Marijampolé | Dairy farms

[Translate to English:] Die sehr jungen Kälber werden im Kuhstall gehalten.

Before we follow a transport of unweaned calves from Lithuania to Spain, we want to

document keeping conditions for calves in Lithuanian dairy farms. The first farm we

visit has 100 dairy cows and about 30 calves. Five calves are only a few days old

and are kept in the cowshed. One of these animals is sick and being treated with


05. November 2015

France | Château-Gontier | Transport of unweaned calves from France to Spain

[Translate to English:] Ein überfüllter Pferch auf dem Kälbermarkt in Château-Gontier.

Our team follows a long-distance transport from the calf market in Château-Gontier, France, to three different farms and an assembly centre in Catalonia, Spain. At the market, some pens are so crowded that only a few calves can lie down and rest. The majority of the pens have straw bedding, but several have no bedding at all and the calves have to…

21. October 2015

Spain | Altorricon | Fattening farms for calves

[Translate to English:] Foto von Kälbern aus Frankreich

Our team visited two farms in Altorricon, Huesca region, in order to find calves that were trailed in July from Germany to Spain. The aim is to document how many of them survived the long distance transport and to see the conditions they are kept in.
Unfortunately we cannot find any of these calves from July, but instead other calves imported from…