Investigations by Topics:

31. December 2018

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report: December Farm Animal Service (FAS)

[Translate to English:] Stara Słupia. Kostenlose Pflege der Hufe als Gegenleistung zum Streichen der Wände.

This month, our Polish farriers have visited farms 22 times. They have trimmed hooves of 21 horses and corrected teeth of one foal. Four horses have been dewormed and one bull had his skin infection treated. First, we are going to Wola Zamkowa. There, a mare needs regular trimming. If her hooves are not trimmed in time, she injures herself with her…

31. July 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service

Niedospielin - Cleaning the wound on mare’s leg.

Our farriers have visited 17 farms, trimmed 10 horses and 1 cow. They have also dewormed one mare. Two new contracts were signed. New participants of the FAS programme are requested to fulfill several tasks. For example, in Szerzawy the farmer needs to fix and clean stable windows and dog’s kennel. Our team has been asked to check a lame mare in…

30. June 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report June: Farm Animal Service (FAS)

In Podgorze we apply an antiparasitic agent for the dogs.

In June, our Polish farriers visited 15 farms, trimmed 9 horses and dewormed 1 mare. They have signed three new contracts with farmers in Swieradowice, Psary Podlazy and Nowy Skoszyn. The farm in Swieradowice is one we used to visit in the past. We have not been here for a while and we are happy to see big changes since our last visit: two new…

17. April 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report February FAS

[Translate to English:]

In February, our FAS team visited 8 farms and twice the cattle market in Lagow. They singed five new contracts with farmers interesting in improving living conditions of their animals. We noticed positive change in attitude of some farmers who were not very cooperative previously. We were convinced they would not be interested in joining our…

01. March 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report November FAS

[Translate to English:] Erste Verträge mit Tierhaltern sind unterzeichnet.



In November, our FAS team in Poland started implementing new formula of Farm Animal Service programme. Our goal is to increase effectiveness of improving animal living conditions at Polish farms in swietokrzyskie region. We want to encourage owners of farms where improvement was needed, but motivation to change was lacking. In the new FAS…

31. October 2017

Poland | Monthly report October | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Wir geben dem Strassenhund ein Mittel gegen Flöhe.

In October, our FAS team in Poland visited 23 farms. The farriers trimmed hooves of 23 horses and claws of 5 cows and 1 bull. Most of these animals were limping and needed our help. The abscess was the reason of lameness of a cow in Szerzawy and a bull in Krajno. The same reason caused lameness of a horse in Dobruchna. A mare in Tychow Nowy and a…

30. September 2017

Poland | Monthly report September | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Heruntergekommene Hundehütte auf dem Hof in Jeziorko.

In September, our Polish team visited 12 farms. They trimmed hooves of 15 horses, claws of 4 cows and some goats. Just a few of these animals were limping; the rest just needed regular service. In Jeleniów, our team has seen a very good but sadly uncommon solution for cows: an open shed. This allows animals spend most of the time outside. In Jezow,…

31. August 2017

Poland | Monthly report August | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Die Kinder sind sehr interessiert an der Arbeit der Hufschmiede.

This month, our farriers in Poland visited 18 farms. They trimmed hooves of 23 horses and claws of 4 cows. The young horses caused some trouble during their work. Our team instructed the owners how to exercise with horses to make trimming easier. The farriers were called twice to lame animals: a mare and a cow. The 12-year-old mare needed our help…

31. July 2017

Poland | Srodborze, Kochanow | Farm Animal Service - Teaching kids compassion toward animals

[Translate to English:] Erinnerungsfoto mit den Kindern in Srodborze.

During the summer, our FAS team decided to organize trainings about animal welfare for children spending their holidays at summer camps. Our farriers visited two places a few times: a rancho in Kochanow and a riding center in Srodborze. The trainings include a theoretical part in the form of a presentation, and a practical part based on everyday…