Investigations by Topics:

12. January 2016

Lithuania | Marijampolé | Dairy farms

[Translate to English:] Die sehr jungen Kälber werden im Kuhstall gehalten.

Before we follow a transport of unweaned calves from Lithuania to Spain, we want to

document keeping conditions for calves in Lithuanian dairy farms. The first farm we

visit has 100 dairy cows and about 30 calves. Five calves are only a few days old

and are kept in the cowshed. One of these animals is sick and being treated with


08. January 2016

Poland | Sniadka, Skorzeszyce| Farm Animal Service

Our team is visiting farm in Sniadka to check on a young foal that we treated before and that was really skinny. His condition is better now, he is eating and started to gain weight. Next we are goinig to Skorzeszyce and give electrical fencing to a farmer that wants to let his horses on to the pasture. We will come back when the weather is better…

08. December 2015

Poland | Szczecin | Police training (WIDT)

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Due to the high motivation of the WITD road inspectors in Szczecin that participated in our training course yesterday, we were asked to again stop and control livestock trucks together this morning before heading home. Early in the morning we stopped two livestock vehicles. One had pigs from Germany and was heading to the slaughterhouse in…

08. December 2015

Poland | Szczecin | Police training (WIDT)

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Today our training team (Eyes on Animals and Animal Welfare Foundation inspectors and Dr. Rabitsch, an Austrian veterinarian and expert transport inspector) was in Szczecin to give a theory and practical training course to the official road inspectors from the WITD as well as two official veterinarians from the regional office. From 9:00 until…

08. December 2015

Canada | Alberta | Bouvry Slaughterhouse | Horsemeat Import

[Translate to English:] Junges Fohlen in Pferch ohne Witterungsschutz.

We arrive at the Bouvry slaughter plant at 7:45. The pens contain 70 to 100 horses each. Only one pen with shelter is visible in the entire area. Some pens hold large groups of mares and foals of all ages. Some foals have severe nasal discharge, others are coughing continuously. One foal appears to be very sick, either from advanced strangles…

07. December 2015

Canada | Alberta | Bouvry Feedlot | Horsemeat Import

[Translate to English:] Gemästete Pferde in Bouvrys kleiner Mastanlage.

At 8:15 we arrive at Bouvry’s small feedlot on Range Road 264, where it is evident that the holding conditions have not improved since our last visit two years ago. The grounds are covered in manure and muddy. There is still no shelter from the elements and only a limited quantity of straw is visible inside the pen area, by far not enough to…

05. November 2015

France | Château-Gontier | Transport of unweaned calves from France to Spain

[Translate to English:] Ein überfüllter Pferch auf dem Kälbermarkt in Château-Gontier.

Our team follows a long-distance transport from the calf market in Château-Gontier, France, to three different farms and an assembly centre in Catalonia, Spain. At the market, some pens are so crowded that only a few calves can lie down and rest. The majority of the pens have straw bedding, but several have no bedding at all and the calves have to…

31. October 2015

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market Bodzentyn

[Translate to English:] Prüfung von Dokumenten

Our team arrives at 6.10am at the cattle market at Bodzentyn and immediately receives information about a tragic accident that just happened at the market. A trader got injured by a cow that jumped from the truck, certainly in panic and fear from the steep unloading ramp. The ambulance arrived shortly after, but we were informed later that he died…

30. October 2015

Poland | Bodzentyn | Meeting about the market in Bodzentyn

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The mayor of Bodzentyn invited again traders, the vet inspection Kielce, the veterinarian and our team to discuss developments and problems at the market in Bodzentyn. No one participated from the traders. The representatives of the Vetinspection Kielce are doing regular inspections now and started some administrative and legislative procedures…